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IMR (Inspection, Maintenance, Repair)
With trained and experienced personnel in Diving, ROV, Engineering and NDT, OWA has the capabilities to oversee an IMR campaign successfully in a timely and safe manner.
Being able to undertake from the planning stages of a campaign to the execution and completion of it, OWA provides clients a one stop solution to your IMR needs. In addition, OWA has an in-house team of project and inspection report coordinators dedicated to each campaign to ensure that deliverables and reports are produced and delivered on time
Marine Facilities, Pipelines / Freespans, NDT, Anode Condition, Underwater Structure Condition, Geotextile check and many others

Platform, Piles, Strainer, Water Intake / Outlet, Fire Pumps, Water Pumps, and Marine Growth Removal

Boat Landing, Damaged Structure, Jetty Piles, Subsea Piles, and on demand site repair works

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