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High Standard,
High Quality Equipment
From ROVs, to subsea wire saws and core samplers, as a leading innovator of underwater works with strong engineering experience, OWA has developed a wide variety of unique and reliable, user-friendly purpose-built equipment and tools.
Saturation Diving System (SAT)
“Saturation diving” has become the portable of the diving industry as an efficient diving technique that allows divers to safely perform subsea diving work for long periods of time reducing the risk of decompression sickness when they work at great depths for long periods of time while also avoiding “bounce diving” risks. This may be maintained for up to several weeks, as they are decompressed to surface pressure only once, at the end of their tour of duty. By limiting the number of decompressions in this way, the risk of decompression sickness is significantly reduced.

Demands for ROV intervention have seen significant increase in recent years and our fleet of ROV allows us to cover different scopes of subsea solutions and requirements. OWA owns and operates both Workclass and Observation Class ROVs with the Workclass TETSU 7 being the pride of the fleet. Built and designed by our in house team of engineers and ROV Pilot Tech, TESTU-7 comes equipped with some of the best manipulators available in the market able to carry out the most intricate subsea task

Surface Supplied Diving System (SSDS)
OWA’s Surface-Supplied Diving System (SSDS) is a diving system using its own Launching & Recovery System (LARS) delivering the divers safely into the water, and equipment supplying breathing gas using a diver's umbilical from the surface through a Control Van (CV), either from the shore or from a diving support vessel providing significantly larger breathing gas supplies, lowering risk of drowning and, allowing longer working periods and safer decompression. An SSDS has an exclusive Decompression Chamber which enable emergency decompression when needed on vessels and sites.

Scuba Replacement Package (SRP)
Engineered and designed in accordance with Inshore and Offshore requirements outlined in ADC, HSE, IMCA D040 & D015 and OGP guidelines, OWA’s SRPs are robust easy-to-go 2-diver Scuba Replacement Package(s) supplied with HP air storage mounted in a steel frame, that houses the dive panel, cylinders, umbilicals and hardline diver communications with the ability to record video by helmet mounted camera(s) in one compact transportable package.

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